Over the years web design has gone from being a simple tool to help promote your business and share things with the online community, to a space where you can…
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Our industry insights include the latest web design news, online editorials and updates from Reactive Graphics. Check back regularly to view our latest articles.
The year 2015 has been a big one for advancements in web design and web development. With changes in Google SEO ranking algorithms and with web officials encouraging responsive design…
What is visual story-telling? Visual story telling is exactly what is says on the tin. It is a process where by information is expressed through the use of imagery. Think…
Web design and development trends are moving forward at such a rapid pace that it is important for you to take stock of what design and development innovations have worked…
Web safe colour chart 000000 000033 000066 000099 0000cc 0000ff 003300 003333 003366 003399 0033cc 0033ff 006600 006633 006666 006699 0066cc 0066ff 009900 009933 009966 009999 0099cc 0099ff 00cc00 00cc33…
What is colour Colour is an attribute of an object or image that can seen by the eye when light shines on it. In order for colour to be visible,…
Launching a business The stage when you are just getting your business off the ground can be a very exciting but also very vulnerable time. It can mean pumping a…
What is wearable technology? Wearable technology (wearables) is the term used to describe an item that can be worn that uses electronic capabilities to capture and relay information. Similar to…
Web design & illustration We pride ourselves on the vast array of clients that we work with in various different fields and Biznography are a new client who specialise in…
What is SEO? According to Google, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility and performance of a website or a web page in a search engine’s…
Small fish, big pond… There are great large design agencies and there are great small design agencies. Reactive Graphics are a great small (but experienced) design agency and we’re not…
Earlier on in the year we developed a new brand and logo for Phoenix Spree who offer shareholders exposure to the German real estate market. We have since developed a…
What is a homepage? A website is a space where your business exists online. The homepage is essentially the heart of the website which feeds into all of the channels…
What is minimalism? The Dictionary definition of minimalism is: A school of abstract painting and sculpture that emphasises extreme simplification of form, as by the use of basic shapes…
There are key principles that a web designer and developer needs to draw upon to ensure the marketability of a business through their online presence. With over 644 million active…